Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Part III - Levels of existence

As I explained in Part I, that the reality is being created by a thought that project the image and everything is based on vibrating strings of energy, which makes us all the same substance, but different composition and variation of density, this leads to conclusion that also the physical existence of us is just a projection.  Like A Hologram, a projection of light/information from point of origin (awareness) to the point of perception (reality).
Imagine, if you have a telescope and direct it towards the night sky, that telescope can only see as far as the human eye can see and the human brain can understand and project (knowledge built on previews experiences). Meaning once again, that there is no “out there”, just a projection of our understanding. Our understanding is based on 5 senses, so it has its limits.
NASA has a telescope in the orbit of earth. This telescope can see so far far away...all those billions of stars and galaxies; they all look almost the same besides!? But then it comes to the edge where the image of the universe starts to be just pixels, and they cannot longer see more…why? Because the telescope is not technologically potential or because the human observing cannot see more?…because the imagination has run out!? Or the physical body is limiting is? Until they build a new telescope, a better one and during the process the human expectations and imaginations can take a shape of what’s beyond pixels? And Wips! We suddenly have a means to see further into space… but what really changed is the perception of the builders, not the telescope.
As Buddha once said, In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true”.

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity”.   (Albert Einstein)

So how do we really know how the universe looks like? How the earth looks like, or the sun or moon in close up? We think we know because the television showed us pictures and majority of people accepted it as truth and reality. Not because we actually went up and looked down for ourselves… So once again, we’ve being told what to believe, what to accept as real… We could be looking at the big “death star” (a space ship in form of sphere from star wars movie) shining down on us and actually controlling us, and we perceive it as just a Moon.
Because we will see what we have been taught to see and therefore believe that to be real.
Level of existence
There are many levels of existence, we can call them dimensions; they all occupy same time-space, but different perceptions divide them from each other.
Let’s start with perceptions we humans take part in, our common “movie” this world called planet earth.
On earth we have thousands of different spices, they all occupy the same place and time, but they are all in different movie. The movie that is corresponding to their genetic codes and are played out accordingly.
  • Insects for example have short life spend (weeks), can only see 1D, which means infrared sight.
  • Mammals have longer life spend (years) and can see 2D, black and white.
  • Humans have even longer life spend (around 150 years) and can see 3D, color.
  • 4D?
  • 5D?
  • 6D?
  • 7D?
  • 8D?
  • 9D?
  • 10D?
  • 11D?
  • 12D?
  • More Ds?
Why we can perceive Insects and Animals but not what is in next dimension is because we are above 1D and 2D level of existence, but not above 4D. Our mission as humans in our biological bodies is to explore the level of this existence, and when we are done here we leave the physical body and move on to next level, taking all the knowledge with us. Right now in 3D you know what insects are and what animals are, and you also know more or less what you are.  In 4D you will know everything about 1D-2D and 3D.
This also means that the life forms above our level of existence can perceive us humans, but they cannot intervene in our “reality” because they are vibrating on other frequencies (they are in their own DNA movie). Just as you cannot transform into an elephant to experience how it is to be an elephant and communicate on that level of existence, but you know what elephant is right!? Does the elephant know what he is? No, because the physical limitations are not allowing it to understand more then what has been encoded en their DNA.  The communications (frequencies) are on DNA level.
What’s your mission?
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?  (Albert Einstein)
Only you can have this answer, because it’s your world, you create it from within where you also exist. What you think – you project. But of course, I have many answers which could help to guide you out of “the system” and right where you want to be. Coming soon…
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Part II - EGO

Ego and You
Here is an example of typical human life activities according to standards of today’s world and given reality:
You tell yourself that you are an intelligent person with ability to think and make your own destiny, so you just do what makes you happy and who cares for the rest!? As long as you know that you live in democracy and you are lucky to happen to live in the “right-kind-of-country”  (I mean poor people in Iran…) you will be safe and free to do whatever you want to do.
 So you continue with waking up in the morning, going to school or work, going to the grocery store, eating, maybe a little bit of shopping, drinking latte with friends while you show your new bought textiles, you talk about gaga’s outfit and new very good song you heard on the radio. When you come home, you will eat again, and than watch a really good movie. “A real move” about human relationships, not the other science fiction crap! In the end of the movie where the boy meets the girl and the rest of the world accepts them as they are (like as they ever where different from you) , you smile and feel good about yourself. Tomorrow is a new day! A new chance to experience the same thing all over again!  But maybe this time you will eat something else and see another friend, watch another movie and go to sleep. You are a “repeater”, and you will continue to work-eat-sleep until you die... but that's because you are identifing with things, opinions..thoughts with form and shape. That's called EGO. That is not who you trully are! 

Wait! Now your so far experiences and memories will tell you “that's not you”, you are so much more…you enjoy every second of your life and just do different things everyday and grow and involve as human being...
You are doing or thinking of doing; study (school), better job, more money…that will bring you safety and happiness. And when you have more money, you will have bigger/better home, better food (and hopefully also somebody to prepare it for you) and you will also have more safety when you go to pension. And also don't forget love, the romantic love you are longing for...that's still EGO!
So let's see how you and the rest of humanity have involved since the known modern world.
Before people wanted:
Roof, food, safety
Now people wants:
Roof, food, safety
So, what have changed? Better roof, better food, better safety!?
My point here is, we are stuck on basic needs scale for our physical survival. And we have been stuck since Jesus walked the earth! Why? Because..the story have been twisted and human race enslaved. You have been manipulated to be this way. To think this way and to stay this way. I am telling you, this is not who you are! You are a force, a consciousness … that for the moment experiences 3D reality trough a biological body. There is a purpose with it and I will come to that later…
Agin, what can you do?
We are being manipulated through our senses and perceptions by some people who have somehow managed to control the information, but once you have realized that all is just an illusion you can do something they could never control: Have a choice! and why not, learn how to control these people’s reality too, because if we are all the same programmed DNA, this means that we all have the same possibilities to manage illusion.
A comment I got from and other human:
“Difficulty comes from the fact that most people are thought to be afraid of other realities or other things they are not used to. You know that’s all religions goal mainly, to keep people ignorant and limit freedom of choice and thinking so people believe that it is more convenient for them to stay where they are. This centralizes resources, power, control and wealth to a smaller group of human beings.
You know Matrix movie, for the ones who understood this movie may realize that they are not the only one sharing this thoughts, so I think that there are more people aware of this than what we think.
If you haven’t watched yet “In Time” with Justin Timberlake, I highly recommend it. It is a real description of our social and economical system created to benefit few at the expense of others. “  
First time I saw matrix was 1999, I was 19 years old. I did not understood the movie.. I thought the special effect where cool! Then I saw it again and still nothing… Even if I understood the idea I could not apply it on our world..For me that was future, not only fiction (as for many people).. But en “reality”
I was already in the matrix! I just woke up…yesterday..
For the last past 2 years I have seen many documentaries about the system , who’s controlling and how..and that made me angry and disappointed, tired of this life.
I was “out there” trying to fight the system, to rebel and “go out en general strike” …but! As you now know, there is nothing out there… Awareness comes from inside us and so the change.
It was first when I saw documentary about science “The Elegant Universe” and “The Fabric of the Cosmos “  combined with this guy David Icke, that things started to become clear, but still I could not see the whole picture until I started to write everything down in my own words.
Then it just said “click” !
This David Icke has written like 15 books about everything from the system to the multidimensional awareness. He was laughed at in the 80’s when he said that there are group of people controlling everything and that they had “alien DNA” (reptilian).. so the really interesting part that I am exploring now is, WHY they keep us controlled? And Why everything is happening and where is all this going… and there are some very interesting ideas I can tell. =)
The sciance
Everything we are and things around us, like the sun and other stars and planets have the same building components. When you look even more beyond the material there is a vibration of energy, a string (like a string from a violin) that vibrates and is charged with energy. We are all and everything is a vibrating energy. Depending on the density and wave length thing become different things like stars, human body, apple etc. solid for us to perceive them with our 5 senses. The scientists of our world have tried to explain many wonders of our existence and they have finally managed to do that. The explanation and logical theory is out there, but you do not know about it. Why? Because the people that control informational channels are not going to show you that, they want you to stay put… sleeping, worrying about your little life, where you work-eat and sleep even more. We are so locked in our shells and thinking outside the 5 sense range is almost impossible for so many humans.  I guess that many have stopped thinking sometime in the first grade, where they teach you that the sun is the star and there are 7 planets orbiting it. Good, so now you can move on with your life and look for a job or buy something that will make you happy!..
Fortunately there are people who have this driving force, time and openness to question and look for the answers, other vise we would still believe that earth is plane and is the center of the universe. Wake up!!
Thank you Internet
Internet is interactive network of telepathy between people in our world today. Television, magazines and advertising is one way communication only. From them to You!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Part I - I finally understand!!

“I’m in the world, not of it!” 

How we create reality 

“To understand the reality, you must step out from your own”.

If you are limited by believe system, like for example religious system, then you will only go so far in your understanding of reality as this system allows you to. To understand beyond the limits, you need to believe in possibility of EVERYTHING. If we do not know how the reality is being created, how can we then know what is real!? The answers are not “out there”, because there is no “out there”

The reality you have is based on 5 senses; See, touch, hear, smell and taste. Those senses are just a fraction of the vibration you can perceive of the whole universe. Your eyes can capture the vibration/signal, but your brain will interpret that signal and project the picture to you. To you means, only inside your brain. This can only happen if you have seen the same vibration before and recognize it, or if the “critical mass” of human species perceives that signal as common knowledge, other vise based on your 5 sense experiences the image you will see is NOTHING. Your brain will not be able to understand because it has no reference. To simplify this even more… How can you possibly know what something is, if you have never seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted it before?

 All the scenarios of the 5 sense reality are actually taking place inside your mind. There is nothing “outside it”. There is no “real world” out there..it is all in your head! What you see and hear is interpreted by your brain and the reality it creates is inside you and nowhere else. It’s like a movie there you are the star/main character. You open one door and the stage is adapted, you open another and the stage is set. But you choose which door to open! Then, how come that we are all in the same movie? The answer is our DNA. Our genetic code is like a computer program that is defined with parameters. This program communicates with other programs with the same genetic code. Mine and your DNA is same genetic code because we are the same species. Our DNA is like an antenna that can receive and send the information. And that is why we are in the same “movie” and can interact. We do not send and receive the information to other species, for example elephants and monkeys. All species have different frequencies on which they communicate. Because we are not on the same frequencies, we cannot communicate with them more than our 5 senses allow us to (see, touch, hear, smell and taste, which are once again interpreted by the brain that will look for references to be able to “show you” the reality inside your brain). So, all the things surrounding us in “our world”, we have at some point created in our minds and because of the transmission of the information through our genetic code we all perceive it and see it at the same time and almost the same point of view, that we call “reality”.

So you and all the human species are creators, we create this world and we can also change it how we want. But to be able to do massive changes, a critical mass is need. Meaning, it takes a certain amount of humans to think (create) the same illusion, for it to become every humans reality. For example monkeys of one species, let say chimpanzee. It takes maybe 100 chimpanzees to learn to write a circle, before this knowledge becomes common for entire spices. That’s how “the reality” is being played out for everybody. You get born (which is another human mass creation) and when you open your eyes and the rest of your 5 senses, you start to build up an experience that for everyday will become your reality because your brain is making it as memories which it can refer to. This said, the whole world and everything you know to exist, is an illusion created by us and is being played out en our brains, which of course is just another illusion.

We are a consciousness that is connected to an ocean of consciousness that we call Infinity. We can perceive life as an droplet in an ocean; “no but I’m just little me, what power do I got?.. I was born in a city, you know...I went to school, I got a job”… Well, you can perceive that and you can create a reality to reflect the way you see reality. Perceived reality becomes experienced reality (where you again look for reference to confirm the reality). But if you perceive yourself as a droplet put in an ocean, then there is no point where the droplet begins or ends. Droplet is the ocean and the ocean is the droplet, we are all ONE infinite conciseness.

Now, the issue is that we have been manipulated to believe that we are powerless and need to look outside ourselves to be told what to think. So the real conspiracy against us is to hold us in that bubble, believing, operating on just one little fraction of whom we are and use the physical body as block the possibility of us thinking multidimensional infinite conciseness, that cannot be manipulated. We are not a body. We are awareness, energy which work trough the body which is just a biological computer. And when we withdraw from our physical bodies, it disappears like everything else because it’s just a creation of the illusion. And what the manipulators (let call them illuminati) wants us to do, is to identify ourselves with a biological computer (body). But you are not the body, the name or social security number… It’s just an experience you are having. (I will come to that why we are here). You are infinite conciseness that cannot be destroyed! But if you can be kept in a believe of physical body, then you can be controlled. If they control the information that our 5 senses can perceive, our conciseness starts to identify itself with physical body and who it is… and disconnect the perception of being multidimensional infinite… In other words, you will believe only what you are being told. This generates the general idea of the world and reality in where so many humans take part. So, the move is written, the stage is already set by the people who control the information. What can you do? Remember who you are!

“Infinite love is the only truth, everything else is illusion”
I love you whatever, why? Because I am you, you are me, we are one consciousness. It’s only our perceptions that divide us.”

Part 2 - WIP